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A comparison of the Olympia, Lacey and Tumwater Police Departments

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(1) Information in this chart comes from city web pages (finance, police department, municipal code) using the most current postings, usually 2018-19 so figures may vary slightly from those in other sources. (2) Different jurisdictions have given police departments a variety of roles not typically understood as “policing” and budgets may reflect such differences.  (3) Police working conditions and salaries are governed by contracts that are posted on line. The contracts establish base pay for all officers and provide for percentage increases to the base for “premium” and “special” assignment,” incentive bumps for education and fitness, for longevity among other opportunities to exceed base salaries. In addition to other benefits, each contract contains grievance procedures, a “bill of rights” and any, many other stipulations useful for understanding the status of our police.  (4) Annually, the Olympian posts a “Searchable Salaries” database for cities in Thurston County. The figures here are for maximum and minimum gross actual pay for 2018 for Olympia and Tumwater officers. The data for Lacey 2018 was missing.

Police Guild Agreements for Olympia, Lacey and Tumwater

Click on the following links to download:


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