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Posts published in “–”

Some Olympians and their overlapping connections

Our roving researcher Any organization can be thought of as a pyramid: the base, the largest area, is made up of low to mid-level employees who go about their jobs, doing whatever the level of managers above them dictates. It is only at the very top of each pyramid, the…

Insights for effective grassroots organizing

None of the positive changes that have improved our nation’s political or social lives were gifts from Congress or big business. Women’s right to vote, labor unions, environmental laws, civil rights advances for many kinds of people, and other accomplishments were won only because of smart, courageous nonviolent grassroots organizing.…

Olympia Leaders’ Letter to Major Selby: The Missing Middle

Dear Mayor Selby and members of the Olympia City Council – We strongly urge you to support and approve the Missing Middle Housing recommendations in their entirety. We represent diverse organizations and interests in Olympia, and are writing to show our shared and common support for the Missing Middle Housing…

The Trump Administration: Regulating farmworkers, deregulating farm businesses

In the July WIP, we reported that the state of Washington had created and funded a new office to ensure that businesses lived up to federal laws prescribing protections for temporary agricultural workers (guest workers) hired under H-2A rules. Agricultural operators are allowed to bring in these temp workers only…

Climate crisis, anyone?

Producing, transporting and liquefying natural gas is acknowledged to produce high levels of carbon, but due to technology and new fields, it’s now possible to produce an abundance of natural gas. Getting it to far away markets means liquefying it. Back in February, WIP reported on plans for new LNG…

Special Events — August 2019

Sasquatch revealed!... Night out for Safety and Liberation... Economic Investment Initiative... Grand Oly Opry... It takes a farm to throw a party!... Stories in the Dark... Sierra Club picnic... Family Movie Night... Ice Cream Social... more...