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Posts published in “–”

The continuing shame of Guantánamo

GUEST COLUMN: Thirty-nine suspects remain in the United States’ prison on Guantánamo Bay, or “GITMO” as it’s commonly known. And nobody can reasonably predict when, if ever, they will be freed.


BOOK REVIEW: At a time when transgender youth are being threatened with parental separation [1] and transgender women and transfeminine people of color are being murdered at record rates [2], "Conundrum" is especially poignant.

Community Spotlight — April 2022

Length of Rope ♦ The Paper Moon ♦ Koresh Dance ♦ TSTSC Plant Sale ♦ Wild Grief ♦ Bicycle Challenge ♦ Deschutes Estuary ♦ Mycology Club ♦ Sharing Time with Elders ♦ Thousand Chestnuts ♦ Black Rose ♦ Olympia Lamplighters ♦ Women of Color ♦ More….

Youth Climate Strike!

Students from area high schools and their supporters* staged a walkout/demonstration on Friday, March 25th in Olympia to draw attention to the urgency of addressing climate change. Planned to coincide with Greta Thunberg’s global “Fridays for Future,” Climate Strike, students gathered to demand that Washington State legislators implement more of…

Rise of the Warrior Cop

BOOK REVIEW: The idea of police being that positively engaged with the community seems Rockwellian and made me want to read Radley Balko’s new book, Rise of the Warrior Cop, to better understand whatever happened to “officer friendly”.

Reading Dave Jette, with gratitude

Dave Jette, one of the founders of WIP and longtime contributor, passed away in January 2022. The Seattle Times published an obituary that provides a contour of Dave’s life, including his love for his family, his passion for organizing hiking trips, his accomplishments as a physicist researching radiation treatments for cancer, and his political involvement.

Looking at property taxes in a distorted and inequitable market

The City of Olympia gets about 72% of its operating budget from property taxes paid by residents and sales taxes paid by everyone who buys things or pays for services here. Lately property taxes have loomed larger and larger in the budgets of residents. And as for sales tax,at 9.4% Thurston County ranks higher than 90% of other Washington counties.