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Posts published in “–”

Then this happened — January 2021

The City of Olympia gave developers millions in property tax exemptions ♦ Remember when Trump said he could shoot someone in downtown New York and nothing would happen? ♦ Speaking of investigations ♦ A Police Department at risk! ♦ Another arrest

On radicalization and grief

An aspect of becoming radicalized that I think is under attended to is the grief that, for some, comes with it. As I learned more of history, more of the theory, more of the experiences of people who have the least to gain from our system, the more I had…

Readers Alert!

WIP has received a grant designated for including book reviews in 2021. How will it work? Each month we’ll publish a list of books we’d like to see reviewed. If you’re interested in reading and writing a review of one of the books, contact us at We will buy…

A hope-filled greeting to our readers

We see that sparks of hope are igniting against this war which is the same around the world. From distant geographies we turn toward each other, toward the struggle for life, which forms a language through which we recognize one another. From all of us at School for Chiapas, we…

Bringing the people who voted for Trump to the table

The real work It’s November 7, and Joseph Biden is projected to become the 46th president of the United States. The day has been an emotional roller coaster, as I reconcile my relief, jubilation, and disbelief: Donald Trump’s presidency is coming to an end. The sensation is palpable. I feel…

Getting beyond “the argument culture”

Working with couples who are at odds brings into clearer, sharper relief the existential struggle to have a dialogue outside the framework of “The Argument Culture” which is all over Cable News, Fox, and everywhere. In the Argument Culture, no one wins; there’s no person-to-person affirmation; no genuine affection building…

Cooking up some political power

First elect progressives, then hold them accountable At our house, we’ve been watching cooking shows to help us weather the pandemic. My recent favorite actually involved very little cooking, however. The cook. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. forgot about her “salmon-cream-pasta situation” as she broke down what ordinary people need to know as…

A Pandemic Nurse’s Diary

In her diary, Nurse T. offers a first person account of working in a public hospital as the initial wave of coronavirus swept through NYC. The diary describes the personal, physical and emotional toll on the staff as they face overwhelming conditions each day.

Remembering Rachid Benkhalti

Rachid Benkhalti was born in Marrakesh, Morocco, on September 4, 1955. He passed away at home in Olympia on November 27, 2020. We have lost a great soul, father, brother, uncle, and so much more. Rachid was a man of great spirit, with a ready smile and generosity.

DIY politics when elected politicians don’t serve the people

Last issue, we listed some citizen initiatives that would have contributed to more stable and healthy lives for families and communities. We went back to see which ones won and which ones lost: Housing San Franciscans notched up the tax on real estate transfers to put money into affordable housing,…

Money spent: Some Olympia PPP loans under the March 2020 CARES Act

Dan Leahy The Small Business Administration (SBA) has released names of entities awarded Paycheck Protection Program forgivable loans of less than $150,000 under the CARES Act. In Olympia, 1,680 entities received these loans. The chart shows only the 115 recipients of loans above $100,000.  These 115 loans totaled $14,321,642. The…

Where it’s illegal to carry a loaded gun in public

California’s Mulford Act prohibited anyone outside of law enforcement officers (and others explicitly authorized to do so) from carrying loaded firearms in public. It was enacted largely in response to the militant activities of the Black Panther Party.

Rethinking Everything

The very phrase “American Dream” comes from [the Great Depression], and was coined in 1931 by historian James Truslow Adams in his book, The Epic of America.

A foreign policy “to do” list for President Biden

Donald Trump loves executive orders as a tool of dictatorial power, avoiding the need to work through Congress. But that works both ways, making it relatively easy for President Biden to reverse many of Trump’s most disastrous decisions. Here are ten things Biden can do as soon as he takes…

My Life

This fall, Capital High School’s Climate Club proposed a “climate fiction” challenge for local students. Club VP Karina Greenlee said they had invited students to paint their vision of the world in the context of climate change. Published here are two of many "Cli-Fi" stories submitted.

Community Spotlight — January 2021

Stories of Resilience: Graduate Micro-Business Showcase ♦ Annual Arab Festival for online viewing ♦ Leonor R. Fuller Gallery Postcard Exhibition ♦ FairVote Washington ♦ Regional Housing Action Plan Forum ♦ Glen’s Parallax Perspectives ♦ Educate, Agitate, Organize ♦ Thurston County Food Bank

Olympia police, vigilantes and a safe community

It was the end of a week of demonstrations in Olympia: peaceful marches punctuated by broken windows and nighttime confrontations between opposing groups. During the week, men armed with assault rifles had patrolled the streets of Olympia’s downtown and neighborhoods. Attention armed citizenry! On Thursday, June 4, the proprietor of…

“Never enough”

I was never “enough” to be cool enough or arty enough—never punk rock enough. But when a friend told me never give up. I decided to muscle up and pretend that I am. My conclusion? I am—you are—absolutely everything enough!

The struggle for justice

The struggle for justice is the theme for this issue. For 30 years it has been embedded in the mission of Works in Progress and reflected in its pages. Should the struggle for justice be hard? When something is “just” we see that it’s deserved or merited, and often we…