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Posts published in “–”

Initiative 1631 – Climate Action

I-1639. This initiative is titled “Safe Schools, Safe Communities,” reflecting the groundswell of public frustration over elected officials choosing to protect guns rather than people. The initiative strengthens background checks, storage requirements and waiting periods, as well as raising to 21 the age when you can buy a semi-automatic weapon....

The full barometer of our commitment

Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State, announced a new ceiling on the number of refugees who can enter the US, saying it reflected the “daunting operational reality” of addressing what he called a “humanitarian crisis” involving people claiming asylum in the United States. “Some will characterize the refugee ceiling as…

Replace Puget Sound Energy with a publicly owned utility relying on renewables

Puget Sound Energy is the biggest obstacle to reducing Thurston County’s CO2 emissions rapidly in the next decade. Its current energy mix is 37% from coal and 22% from natural gas, for a total of 59% from fossil fuels. Although PSE will have paid off the debt on its Colstrip coal plant by 2027, its 20 year Integrated Resource Plan indicates that it plans to run the plant through 2035 and replace diminished coal use with natural gas. ...

Dispute Resolution Center relies on  volunteer mediators

The Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County is actively seeking volunteers to help resolve conflict, promote civility and create peace in our community. The DRC is a community-based, volunteer-powered non-profit organization dedicated to conflict resolution and prevention in the South Sound. Volunteers can become trained as a mediator and work…

Leaders and mentors–rocks in an ever-changing storm

YWCA recognizes Olympia’s womxn* of achievement for 2018 Established in 1994, the YWCA Olympia Womxn of Achievement Award is one of the most prestigious honors for womxn and businesses in the South Sound. The award seeks to center and recognize the accomplishments, professional contributions, and public service performed by womxn…

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 as a common…

Special Events – October 2018

Exciting films, plays, live musician and book events in October.  Go to for listings. Trainings in Homeless Advocacy October 1-22, Mondays at 7 pm at 701 Franklin St. SE, Library Room What causes homelessness and how you can get involved.  Sponsored by JustHousing. Olympia Arab Festival Saturday, October 6,…