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Posts published in “–”

Coded Bias

MOVIE REVIEW: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are getting more powerful, to the point where the programmers who created AI do not know what is going on inside—a black box, if you will.....

Are We Not One

Nick Leppmann is a Seattle-based artist who depicts the often overlooked impact of our ambitions on the natural world. He can be reached at, on Instagram at @ nickleppmannart or on Facebook at @NickLeppmannArt.  

Lessons of “Imperium”

Imperium is a 2016 movie based on the real experiences of undercover FBI agent Mike German who infiltrated white supremacist organizations, as related in his book Thinking Like a Terrorist published in 2008. Unfortunately, the lessons found in the movie are all the more relevant today, as white-supremacist Trumpism increasingly…

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

BOOK REVIEW: We believe this book to be so important that we are running a second review. Isabel Wilkerson’s masterwork, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, makes painfully clear exactly who we are. She expertly lays out how systemic discrimination, abuse, and murder of those within the lowest caste of the US is intrinsic to the fabric of our country....

Endless war update

President Biden announced in February that he would end support for Saudi Arabia’s offensive operations in Yemen. No more refueling warplanes, providing logistical support, no more advanced weapons systems for the Saudi war effort. But the warplanes are still delivering their bombs....

Where will the money come from?

Where will the money come from? The big question and the Republicans’ number one argument against President Biden’s long-overdue program to repair the country’s infrastructure is: where will the money come from? For example, what about the $40 billion the President asked Congress to spend on the huge need for…

Community Spotlight — May 2021

P.O.W.E.R Fundraiser ♦ Black Mama’s Day Bail Outs! ♦ American Friends Service Committee ♦ Evergreen seminar: College behind bars ♦ League of Women Voters ♦ Genealogy Cafe ♦ GRuB ♦ Glen’s Parallax Perspectives: ♦ OCEP Victory!

Thoughts on the Theme — April 2021 — Why we can’t have a $15 minimum wage or a lot of other nice things

A warrior Republican President, Dwight Eisenhower spoke clearly about the link between our military spending (see the back page pie chart for details) and the reasons we choose to impoverish so many working people: “To amass military power without regard to our economic capacity would be to defend ourselves against…

Then this happened… April 2021

…Mike Kreidler dealt the insurance lobbyists …Our legislators think that cities and towns shouldn’t be allowed to make their own zoning rules. …Ecuador defied the trend …it’s old news, but really. …Speaking of bi-partisanship?

The incident at the Red Lion Inn

What happened during…and after? In December 2020, a group named Oly Housing Now (OHN) formed to organize an action at the Red Lion at the end of January. Days before, President Biden had signed an executive order extending FEMA’s Public Assistance Reimbursement policy to states that provide safe housing for…

Alert to readers!

WIP has received a grant to print book reviews in 2021. How will it work?  Each month we’ll publish a list of books (see right column). If you’d like to be considered to review one of them, email us and put BOOK REVIEW in the subject line. We will buy…

The Commons: Reclaiming what is ours

The Commons is a documentary film about communities re-asserting sustainable futures using consensus, equity, and shared resources—ancient Commons principles. The film offers many examples of how it is possible to take the inspired path toward a communal future so many are drawn towards.

Citizens:  An environmental review should precede a binding contract for West Bay Yards

Members of the public had an opportunity to talk to the City Council about the viability and desirability of facilitating the introduction of an “urban village”—a 470-unit apartment/townhouse-retail-commercial complex — between West Bay Drive and the edge of Budd Inlet at the site of a former plywood plant.

Nonprofits of Thurston County call for racial justice

In response to the movement and demand for justice for Black Lives, and because these times are calling on us to have a wise and courageous response, Thurston County nonprofit communities have signed onto this collective letter indicating our intention to align with racial justice and a local racial equity-focused policy agenda.

Flooding in the Chehalis River Basin

This dam idea isn’t new Although I’ve lived and worked in the Chehalis Basin for fifteen years, I did not experience the 2007 and 2009 floods first hand. But I vividly remember the footage of catastrophic property damage: dead cattle and images of people and their families devastated by the floods.…

A new nuclear arms race is brewing

Can we heed the lessons of the past? On March 16 the United Kingdom that it will increase the limit on its nuclear arsenal for the first time in decades. Instead of maintaining a cap of 180 warheads (as it had previously stated), the UK will increase its stockpile cap…

There’s a right track and a wrong track for the future of Washington state rail

Washington state has two potential tracks toward a 21st century rail future, with starkly different outcomes. One provides higher speed, climate-friendly passenger service linking as many as 13 communities on the Cascadia corridor, with increased capacity for freight trains. It has been in development since 1991 and some elements have…