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Posts published in “–”

Olympia police, vigilantes and a safe community

It was the end of a week of demonstrations in Olympia: peaceful marches punctuated by broken windows and nighttime confrontations between opposing groups. During the week, men armed with assault rifles had patrolled the streets of Olympia’s downtown and neighborhoods. Attention armed citizenry! On Thursday, June 4, the proprietor of…

“Never enough”

I was never “enough” to be cool enough or arty enough—never punk rock enough. But when a friend told me never give up. I decided to muscle up and pretend that I am. My conclusion? I am—you are—absolutely everything enough!

The struggle for justice

The struggle for justice is the theme for this issue. For 30 years it has been embedded in the mission of Works in Progress and reflected in its pages. Should the struggle for justice be hard? When something is “just” we see that it’s deserved or merited, and often we…

The Community Sustaining Fund fall grant cycle is here

The Community Sustaining Fund of Thurston County is accepting grant applications up until Friday, November 13, 2020. The grants are available to Thurston County organizations and individuals. Grants will also be available from a fund created by the Olympia Kiwanis to honor Sue Lundy, a long-time community activist and volunteer…

The extrajudicial execution of Michael Reinoehl

Washington police deprived Michael Reinoehl of two crucial rights, the right to a fair trial and the right to be alive. By killing Reinoehl, the police took on the role of judge, jury and executioner.

“The best possible stewards of the land”

Skokomish Valley Farm The first time all 18 new owners of Skokomish Valley Farms got together, they discovered that none of them had ever lived or even worked on a farm. The structure of the farm was also new: each of the 18 owned a 40-acre parcel in what had…

No potash export facility at Port of Grays Harbor

Setting the bar higher It was good news and bad news in Grays Harbor when BHP Billiton announced September 4 that it is withdrawing its permit applications for a proposed potash export facility at Terminal 3 in Hoquiam, Washington. The good news, for those of us who live in Grays…

An ode to volunteers

The current cadre of WIPsters It is a sensible warning that if you’re going to acknowledge the work of anyone, you have to acknowledge everyone—and since inevitably you will leave someone out, you better figure out another way. This is the better way we’ve hit upon. We’ll tell you about…

WIP against the backdrop of American history

Works In Progress came into being and continues to exist, thanks to three decades of generous and the mostly anonymous volunteer labor of hundreds of individuals.

The political origins of Works in Progress

Our story begins with the 1988 presidential campaign of Jesse Jackson. All around the country “Rainbow Coalitions” organized at the local and state level in support of the campaign. In Washington state, there came into being an incipient Rainbow Coalition with various components including the Thurston County Rainbow Coalition (TCRC).…

Who does the Port of Olympia serve?

Works in Progress accounts reveal a 21st century history of a government that serves many interests, but without a focus on helping people in Thurston county.

Be a voter beginning now!

The League of Women Voters of Thurston County urges all eligible citizens to make sure that they are registered to vote at their current residence and VOTE as soon as possible before November 3, 2020. If you are uncertain whether you are currently registered as a voter in Washington at…

The future of Olympia’s urban zoning

In the face of covid-19 and climate change The paradigm of ever-expanding development on a finite planet is ill-fated, especially forcing neighborhoods to sacrifice to accommodate more “yuppie” transplants. This doesn’t meet Growth Management Act requirements and would change Olympia from being a small, close-knit city into a mess similar…

Pie in the sky on the campaign trail

While campaigning for the presidency in 2016, Donald Trump promised to “repeal and replace” Obamacare with a “fantastic” health plan: a better plan that would “cover everyone” and “cost less!” He made the promise repeatedly for the next four years. He has yet to offer any plan let alone a…

Then this happened

No shots were fired when US Marshalls arrested the MV The Dream, formerly the Evergreen State ferry without incident, at the request of the Port of Olympia on Sept 15. The 310-foot ferry, which has a fuel capacity of 30,000 gallons has been occupying a moorage at the Port since…