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Posts published in “–”

25 years of Real Change

Seattle’s street paper embeds its vendors in a caring community Tim Harris founded and is the Executive Director of Real Change, a weekly progressive street newspaper based in Seattle, Washington. He was interviewed by Matt Crichton this May. Matt Crichton: Why did you start Real Change? Tim Harris: I started…

How Amazon and Boeing ate Seattle

When Amazon unleashed its bidding war for a second headquarters, more than 200 cities offered mind-blowing sums of money to lure the e-commerce giant. Crystal City in Virginia “won” at a cost of $23 million in perks, on top of $75 million more from the state. “Loser” Long Island City…

Blessed always with a safety net

I don’t remember when my parents were kicked out of their apartment. I was one, my older brother was two, and a younger brother was just born. The landlord told my parents that he can’t have three little kids in his apartment. We moved in with my grandparents for three…

Moms like me need tax relief and an economy that works for us

In my family, we shake our heads when we read about the booming economy. My husband works as a merchandiser and we have an amazing 19-month-old son. I’m a stay-at-home mom, because we can’t afford childcare. In this supposedly booming economy, we find ourselves struggling every month just to cover…

Special Events – June 2019

PFLAG Olympia Garage Sale... Olympia Climate Action.... National Gun Violence Awareness Day... “Mission Impact: Our Collective Future”... Bat Walk... Garden Gala... Progressive Candidate Forum... Jacobin Reading Group... Hispanic Roundtable Community Summit... StoryOly... Capital City Pride Parade and Festival 2019... SURJ Annual Potluck... IWW 114th Birthday Party... Mycorestoration/Saving the Bees...

About this issue – June 2019

In the current circumstances, it’s hard to think of a phrase laden with more cynicism than “home is where your heart is.” Under the sugar-coated implication that the location of ‘home’ is defined by an act of love lies the concealed notion that fulfilling human needs requires no material basis.…

And then this happened…

OMJP saw the writing on the wall in 2005... In 2005, US newspapers were full of talk of the need to counter Iranian nuclear ambitions—with possible military action....

How unions can solve the housing crisis

Dr. James Peter Warbasse wrote in the journal Co-operation, “Once the people of New York City lived in their own houses, but those days have gone. … The houses are owned by landlords who conduct them, not for the purpose of domiciling the people in health and comfort, but for the…

The list of tasks and bills

When I was in elementary school, my parents had a list of tasks and bills to pay on the refrigerator (sometimes they argued about it). One day, looking at the checkmarks, I was hit with amazement that it took so much to run a house. I had a nervous thought…

City of Segregation

Covenants preventing African-Americans, Native Americans, Filipinos and other “colored” persons from buying a home in certain areas existed in Olympia deeds until at least 1947. In the SW neighborhood, there were deeds that specified that no colored person could live in the property—with an exception for domestic servants...

A visit to Lifta

In 1947 my grandmother, Mamo, was 14 years old. She was in high school, in Whittier, California. 85,331 people lived in Whittier. Mamo had slumber parties with her best friends and rode her bike everywhere. She went to parties on the beach and rode horses in the hills. She worked…

The journey is home

For much of my life I thought that home would be found in the right place, with the right people, the right work, the right politics, the right spiritual practice, the right relationship, at the right time. From an early age, after growing up in Los Angeles, I took to…

Three simple goals: water, biomass, diversity

Civilizations degrade ecological systems. Ours is no different (see the essay on restoration for a summary). Empowered by fossil fuels, our destructive power outpaces any potential for natural recovery.  We are the global keystone species, and it isn’t pretty.  Our current condition is ironically both revealed and obscured by professional science and…

A foiled coup and a housing conference

It was 7 a.m. April 30th in Caracas when I awoke to hear gunshots outside my hotel. Our group, seven US citizens and one Canadian, were attending a housing conference and looked forward to the next day’s May Day celebration. The coup attempt I feared the worst. For several weeks,…

I am the fortunate one

I have always had a roof over my head; it has only been a matter of finding one after moving to a new place.  I have moved around quite a bit – different countries, different cities within those countries, different places within the cities in those countries. Sometimes by necessity,…

Why the public should own our electric utilities

The June 2019 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” series (see below for info about watching it through your computer or TCTV channel 22) explores the many benefits of having the public own our electric utilities instead of letting big business own them. People typically think about “democracy” in terms of…