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Posts published in “–”

Then this happened…

City Manager Steve Hall is gone but local residents continue to pay the price of his leadership...

Providence nursing staff stands up for themselves and their patients

For over a year, health care workers at Providence hospitals across the state have been negotiating with their employer on staffing levels, sick leave and compensation. Hospital administrators, under directives from their multimillion dollar corporate executives, refuse to budge on staffing levels and seek to eliminate hours of earned leave.…

Ballots arrive in mailboxes next month: Changes in voting procedure for presidential primary

If you’re planning to vote in Washington state’s Democratic Presidential Primary, be prepared for some big changes this year. The caucus has been replaced by a vote-by-mail primary. Ballots will arrive in mailboxes February 21, 2020, making Washington one of the earliest states to vote. That means your vote will…

Unsafe by any measure

Creosote Creosote has been used since the 1920s to preserve railroad ties and utility poles. It decays into a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) that bioaccumulates in marine life, affecting the growth, reproduction and survival of aquatic animals. Creosote can also be released into soil and contaminate groundwater, where it can…

Immigrants are welcome here

A message to our elected officials Since assuming office, President Trump and his Justice Department have continued to send a strong message: “Immigrants are no longer welcome here.” Cruel policies toward immigrant families have deepened, families and children are separated and imprisoned, people are blocked from applying for legal asylum…

The extraordinary hero of the nearshore tidelands

Walk on most any beach in Grays Harbor, Willapa Bay or Puget Sound at this time of year and you will see green blades of eelgrass, the red raspy-textured Turkish Towel or the pinkish narrow branches of Succulent Seaweed washed ashore at the tide line. It is winter, and many…

“Basewatch” is an avenue to understand US military installations on our doorstep

Discover the physical and human imprint of Western Washington’s military bases with a group of Evergreen students In A People’s Geography of American Empire, students at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington looked at US expansion from Manifest Destiny and overseas imperial conquests, to present-day resource wars. The arc of…

Their excuse was “it will keep us safe”

“The Afghanistan Papers” is a bright, shining lie by omission. Yes, our military and civilian leaders lied to us about Afghanistan. But they could never have spread their murderous BS—thousands of US soldiers and tens of thousands of Afghans killed, trillions of dollars wasted—without media organizations like the Washington Post,…

Planting a new world in the shell of the old

Olympia Assembly advocates a radical vision for our town – one which includes an emphasis on direct democracy and city governance by the people themselves, as well as cooperation amongst neighbors to meet our needs when the established system fails us. We assert the right of all members of our…

Helping veterans recover their dignity and their rights

Lacey Veterans’ Hub My first experience in a courtroom was filled with anxiety due to the punitive behavior of a judge who was harsh with everyone present. At the second hearing, after learning I was a veteran, the same judge completely flipped to a supportive role. This was comforting but…

A Bolivia volvieron los Gonis de la muerte, de la mano de la O.E.A.

Hasta hace apenas 20 años, en la hermana Bolivia la inmensa mayoría de su población (de seis millones 723.045 habitantes) estuvo excluida de todos los aspectos del llamado “convivir nacional”, es decir, de la educación, de los beneficios de su economía, de los servicios de salud, de la seguridad social,…

Community Events Spotlight — January 2020

Peacemaker Award • Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Day • Community Resources, Education & Volunteer Opportunities • Uprisings • State of the Community • PiPE benefit • Theater • Olympia Mutual Aid Partnership • Movies with a message • Homeless Housing Hub • Engagement with your Union • More...