Have you ever ridden the bus to get you or a loved one from point A to point B?
Here in Olympia, our local Intercity bus drivers are unionized through the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), Local 1765. ATU´s contract with the transit agency expired on December 31st, 2024 and the union has been bargaining for a fair contract for months now.
Recently, there was a call to action for community members to show up to support ATU and attend the public comment of the Transit Authority board meeting on Wednesday, December 18th. Community members packed the board room and for over an hour, person after person gave fiery commentary in support of our bus drivers and their fight for a fair contract.
A few memorable stories that stuck out to me:
Most of the bus drivers that commented described the pervasive money problems stemming from the inadequate pay and the current high cost of living. One bus driver described their realization while grocery shopping one day, that buying a block of cheese for their family was equivalent to a half hour of pay! The astronomical rise in food and housing costs have left many bus drivers unable to make ends meet.
A school teacher commented on how her special education classroom loves all things public transit. So much so, that the teacher makes time throughout the year to bring her special education classroom on the bus. Each time she does so, the students love it. Each of the bus drivers that the teacher and students have interacted with has provided the students with such rich, positive experiences, they can’t wait to do it again.
Many drivers told stories of food and housing insecurity. Some talked about being victims of racist harassment and assault at work. On everyone’s mind was the story of Shawn Yim, a bus driver in Seattle who had been murdered while at work early that morning. It was clear that the drivers who have been taking care of their community have not been taken care of in return.
I, as a University of Washington (Seattle) graduate student, use the Lakewood bound bus every week to get me to the sounder train that will ultimately get me to campus. Each time I ride the bus, I am thankful for the professionalism and alertness of my bus driver at 6:00am when many of us are only just getting up for the day.
We are fortunate to have such a well functioning, and free public transportation system here in the Olympia area. However, the interconnectedness of it all means that if the bus drivers that make the wheels turn are not being adequately supported to do their job, the system is unsustainable.
Join the call to action and show your support for Intercity Transit bus drivers by showing up to the public comment portion of the Transit Authority board meetings!
The meetings are every first and third Wednesdays, 5:30pm at the Intercity Transit Headquarters board room: 510 Pattison St SE, Olympia WA 98501.
Cecilia Pérez is an Olympia resident, activist, Registered Nurse, and graduate student in the University of Washington Doctorate of Nursing Practice program.
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