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Posts published by “Brian McCracken”

Olympia Slam Poetry Contest winners

Thursday, April 13 Olympia’s eight top-ranking performance poets went head to head in Olympia’s biggest poetry event for one of four spots on the 2017 Olympia Poetry Slam Team. The winning team of Dan Evans, Rachel Greene, Brian McCracken and Taylor Bereiter will travel to the 2017 National Poetry Slam…

To Make 

To the Liberals, To the fence-sitters, To the Leftists who haven’t left yet. To the Libertarians still liberating their minds, l you the revolution has already occurred. And it is time to start acting accordingly. Pick up any history book worth its weight in citations, And flip to the section…


This poem is for the drug addicts the dope fiends. this poem is for ninety pound bodies shriveling in gutters like dried fruit. this is for those who shoot. for the withering alley-cat specters dancing sleepwalk in the devil’s daymare. this is for those who drown in dope without a…


Julian Assange sits across from a bleached teeth Botox mannequin of a journalist. 391,000 leaked classified documents and CNN can’t ignore their lies anymore. But she asks him instead about the irrelevancies of a whistle blower in the spotlight like he’s running for congressman. This canary turns tabloid super star.…