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Posts published by “Janet Jordan”

Special events

17th Protecting Mother Earth Conference June 28 – July 1, at Frank’s Landing, 11117 Conine Ave SE, Nisqually Territories, Olympia. Hosted by the LSqualli-Absch, the Nisqually People, and co-sponsored by the Indigenous Environmental Network and Indigenous Climate Action.  To uplift the critical voices of those on the frontline battles against…

Quiet evenings in downtown Olympia

Copwatch is a peaceful kind of occupation. Tom and I sit at a table someplace where the street people can find us, and wait for them to come to us with their stories. We hope eventually we’ll have a database of cop stories that we can use to lobby for…

The problem with a cops’ bill of rights

Law Enforcement Officers’ Bills of Rights (LEOBORs) came into general use in the 1970’s.  Police departments had come under scrutiny in the 1960s as part of the civil rights movement.  Many police officers were investigated, and the police unions worked hard to ensure that those officers were treated fairly. Some states…

So what should Bernie do next?

Is the system working? Editorial note: The following is approved as a statement from the local Green Party. Bernie Sanders has proposed the most progressive program we have heard in many years, including more taxes for the rich, taxes on Wall Street transactions, reducing the size of banks, free college…

Time for a local community rights ordinance in South Puget Sound

  Thomas Linzey, Executive Director of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, asks why, when the United States is supposed to have the best environmental laws in the world, our environment is worse off by every measure than when those laws were enacted 40 years ago. He has an answer. …

My week at the Montana Coal Export Action protest

Three of the Coal Export Action 23 as thy were arrested in August 2012. Photo courtesy of Coal Export Action.  You already know about the plans to ship coal through your communities and on to China. The Montana coal export activists tried to stop the coal at its source—to keep…