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Posts published by “Enrique Quintero”

America and the prisons we inhabit

  Jails and prisons are designed to break human beings, to convert the population into specimens in a zoo— obedient to our keepers but dangerous to each other.                          (Angela Davis) There is no justice in this world or the other It may sound like a political heresy, but contrary…

The articulation of lunacy in the anthropocene: Trump and climate change denial

So, what is the anthropocene? Although in the last few years the term has been incorporated in popular media, and its usage has been part of the vocabulary of a variety of academic and non-academic subjects, still relatively few people understand its true meaning and implications.  In general, the Anthropocene…

The ambivalences of electoral democracy

The materiality of all things political  Electoral Democracy (ED) as a form of government is above all a political topic. Reflections on this theme must deal not with the abstract or imaginary, but with the material world, the given society, in which ED exists. In our case, we must examine…

Las ambivalencias de la democracia electoral

La Materialidad de lo Politico La Democracia Electoral (DE) como forma de gobierno es sobre todo un asunto político. Las reflexiones sobre este tema no deben referirse a lo abstracto o imaginario, sino al mundo material en el que la DE existe en una sociedad dada. En nuestro caso, debemos…

Trump: not an anomaly, but the result of America’s dysfunctional democracy

Twitter tongued and alt-right minded The recent public statements by the president of the United States attributing moral parity to a neo-Nazi, white supremacist rally and counter-protesters in Charlottesville last month have generated well-deserved rejection and condemnation internally and abroad. Most of the criticism — understandably so — has been…

Immigration: The failure of our sympathetic imagination

A longer view on the spaces we leave and settle The Empty Cinema of Fear  Those who lived in New York City during the 70’s might remember the story—part somber joke and part true story—that circulated among the Hispanic community living in Queens. It was told more or less like…

Opposing Trump: The invigorated opportunism of the Democratic Party at their wall of lamentation

Camera Obscura Electoral campaigns are to political parties what the process known as exposure — the amount of light per unit area — is to photographic film. It illuminates the latent image into a visible one. Electoral campaigns allow the unveiling of the content and contours of political organizations; they…

Two ways to waste your vote: The sublime illusions of Trump and Clinton 

The charm of disgusting According to a recent article in the Economist, Hillary Clinton “is reckoned to be the second most-unpopular presidential nominate ever, after her Republican opponent Donald Trump.” The historically unprecedented dislike of both candidates is illustrated in the case of Clinton by a recent pool among registered…

Dos maneras de desperdiciar el voto: Las ilusiones sublimes de Trump y Clinton

El encanto de lo repulsivo De acuerdo con un reciente artículo en The Economist, Hillary Clinton “es reconocida como la segunda candidata presidencial más impopular en la historia del país, el primer lugar es ocupado por su oponente republicano Donald Trump”. Este desagrado sin precedentes  de ambos candidatos se ilustra…

Hoo-hah! The scent of a woman!

Comments on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s malodorous feminism Learning from others is anti-American, even if it could benefit women Occasionally Hillary Clinton is inclined to tell the truth.  One of those sparse occasions took place in the early 90’s when she reassured Larry King that “there is no Left in…

God as Republican

Claiming to have God on your side can be philosophically problematic, mainly because without logical evidence, you are invoking an imaginary force with extra powers and unexplained superior morality as an ally and justifier of your actions, without risking much social scrutiny....

Dios como Republicano

Reclamar que uno tiene a Dios de su lado puede ser filosóficamente problemático, sobre todo porque sin evidencia lógica, se invoca que fuerza imaginaria con poderes extraordinarios  y una superioridad moral inexplicable, es su aliado y justificador de sus acciones sin que estas puedan ser sometidas a un serio escrutinio social....

Brutalidad policial y sus descontentos

La destrucción del cuerpo Negro en América Esto es lo que me gustaría que usted sepa: En América es tradicional destruir el cuerpo negro – es patrimonio Ta Nehisi Coates, “Entre el Mundo y Yo (una carta a su hijo) I. Los fallecidos Parece justo decir—por lo menos por propósitos…

Identificación en Estados Unidos

La política de identidad y de los candidatos Republicanos Como sucede con todos los buenos partidos conservadores y reaccionarios, el Partido Republicano siempre llega años después de la partida del tren de ideas transformadoras. Tal vez debido a este atraso intelectual axiomático tan característico de dicho partido, o para ser…

Plastic, underemployment, and socialism: a review of The Evergreen State College commencement ceremonies, 2015

A festive event (on multiple occasions) During Evergreen’s commencement ceremonies this year, I happened to be seated next to a young Italian mother, her two kids and her South-American husband. It was her first time observing an American college graduation and she was surprised by the festive tone of the…

Plásticos, subempleo y socialismo: La graduación del Evergreen State College 2015

Un evento festivo (en múltiples ocasiones) Durante las ceremonias de graduación de Evergreen, por casualidad estuve sentado al lado de una joven madre italiana, sus dos hijos y su esposo sudamericano. Esta era la primera vez que ella observaba una graduación en una universidad americana y se encontraba sorprendida por…